Thursday, May 27, 2010

The best waitresses are available for you

Just finished reading 'Surprised by the Voice of God" by Jack Deere (thanks Tri Nguyen for the lend!) and have been left challenged, excited and on edge about how to apply the stuff. It's a great read for a Jesus follower who might; a) think that God is to be heard purely through the bible alone and has great bible knowledge to back that up, b) knows that dreams, visions, prophecies etc are real but struggles to find a solid biblical framework through which to understand or exercise them, or c) is just hungry to know God more intimately.

The dude is a bible scholar and preacher/pastor who didn't really practice or believe in the operation of 'pentecostal' kind of gifts for the church after the early church had begun. The book demonstrates his depth of biblical understanding and solid, rational teaching. But his story and teaching draws us into the exhilarating journey of how God intervened and changed Jack, his attitude and re-shaped his God-grid; as Jack let him, with time.

The big stuff for me came in the 3rd last chapter: 'The kind of people who hear the voice of God". The truth he re-emphasises again and again is that scripture is of course the highest authority and must be the thing that tests and measures the 'voice' we hear. Alongside this though, without being available, willing to obey, or humble- God's still small voice will remain just a quiet hum amidst the background of gongs and radios, bulletins, tweets and vimeos that pass through our eyes and ears.
Like with any relationship; especially with God; I want to hear him while doing the dishes, being online, doing a net-transfer of cash, or in a conversation with someone, whilst also during my times of meditating on the Word of Jesus in the bible.

SO I'm on a mission to be available in particular to him. To be aware of my flawed ability to make the best decisions, really. Not independent as I'm inclined to be. To stop myself in my busy tracks and ask, 'what would you like, LORD?' Hopefully I'm willing to obey. Hopefully I can grow in this, and I expect to.

If you and I don't do the above, I fear that we may as well align ourselves with the 'teachers of the law' who diligently study the scriptures, but fail to come to Jesus himself (John 5:39) (

I'm in a period of 'resting' right now as I've stopped doing a formal ministry with international students and immigrants. I wonder what is next. I'm only working in my job minimally. I have more time. Will that time be spent on more availability to God?

I strive and pray for it to be so!

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